"Uncensored drama of Yuki Tsukamoto (Chiyuki Makimoto), consist of 3 parts. Life of a wife, who lives in high-class residential area, is collapsed by a phone call… Her parents are listed billionaires raking. She could have everything she wanted from her early age, and she got married with a son of the president of foreign company and she was continuing her gorgeous life.
On the last part, she received a phone call from unknown man and he knows everything about her affairs. He asked her to follow his instruction and she masturbated with a vibrator which he sent to her, and somehow he knew the fact she actually masturbated as he instructed. Then he gave next order which was ""Go to adult goods store I specify and say '1969' to the store staff.
Next day, she is standing in front of the store feeling abashed. Then she again received an instruction from unknown man, who seems to be watching her right now at somewhere, so she resign herself to enter the store. In the store, she cannot help fantasizing naughty things looking at those sex goods displayed wondering what the word '1969' means...
Movie comment
"Uncensored drama of Yuki Tsukamoto (Chiyuki Makimoto), consist of 3 parts. Life of a wife, who lives in high-class residential area, is collapsed by a phone call… Her parents are listed billionaires raking. She could have everything she wanted from her early age, and she got married with a son of the president of foreign company and she was continuing her gorgeous life.
On the last part, she received a phone call from unknown man and he knows everything about her affairs. He asked her to follow his instruction and she masturbated with a vibrator which he sent to her, and somehow he knew the fact she actually masturbated as he instructed. Then he gave next order which was ""Go to adult goods store I specify and say '1969' to the store staff.
Next day, she is standing in front of the store feeling abashed. Then she again received an instruction from unknown man, who seems to be watching her right now at somewhere, so she resign herself to enter the store. In the store, she cannot help fantasizing naughty things looking at those sex goods displayed wondering what the word '1969' means...